Why Is Keyword Integration Vital To A Marketing Strategy?

You often come across “keyword” as a term when you are optimizing your website.

What does it mean? Why is it important? Let’s find out.

Keyword research and integration lays the foundation for your digital marketing effort, regardless of the medium and approach. Keywords are your way of allowing the search engine to know the relevance and subject of your website. When your webpage has a good density of words like cheese crusted, toppings, and small/medium/large, the search engine uses the relevance to label it as a page associated with pizzas.

The inclusion of various keywords around your industry’s landscape organically into your content allows you to target your market audience. When a business has a long, sustainable vision in mind, they aim to generate content with the optimal level of keyword intensity and optimize the webpage to scale. When a user conducts a relevant search query, your brands rank better in the SERPs. It also allows qualified, relevant traffic to your website, decreasing the bounce rate and improving the time spent by the user on the website.

How do you conduct keyword research?

There is a wide range of tools online to help you simplify the process of keyword research. Since the process is continuous, and brands need to keep a dedicated list and update it to meet the evolving industry landscape and stay relevant. It’s good practice to follow the keywords used by your industry competitors and leaders. A keen eye on the Google related search and advanced search can also shed valuable insights on the ranking keywords.

What are the different types of keywords?

The keywords can be categorized based on the length and character count to optimally define your brand’s primary, secondary and related keywords.

Short-tail keywords – Also known as head keywords, these are short keywords that are three words or less. The head keywords are the high-volume keywords wherein the search intent is hard to narrow down. It is hard to convert or rank for short-tail keywords.

Long-tail keywords – Long-tail keywords span longer than three words. Although the search volume of these keywords is comparatively less, it nullifies the drawback by being less competitive and easy to rank. It is super easy to pinpoint the intention of the query.

LSI – Latent Semantic Keywords are the keywords relating to your main keyword. It helps you cover the entire industry landscape by touching down on topics around it. If your main keyword is haircut, the LSI keywords cover phrases like mushroom haircut and step haircut. The Google related search serves the purpose amazingly.

What type of keyword is optimal to use on your website?

On comparing the different types of keywords, it is evident that it is improbable to rank for short-tail keywords because of their vagueness and broad field of interpretation. LSI keywords are hard to find but can help you build your brand around your main, impossible-to-rank-for keyword. Your content marketing strategy should optimally focus on long-tail keywords and rank for them to drive relevant, quality traffic that leads to conversion.

Keyword research seems like a mundane task involving intense research across platforms. When you are defining your brand’s content marketing strategy, detailed keyword research, analysis, and including them organically in your content across platforms enable your business to scale unwaveringly. It is also essential to revisit the processing time and again to update the list and your marketing strategy. Your knowledge regarding keyword research and integration is optimal, it’s time to start directing your content in the right manner to optimizing your web presence as well.